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Between 2 Speakers with Mara LeFay

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

Welcome to 'Between 2 Speakers', where we ask the important and truth-seeking questions to musicians, artists and DJ's to find out what makes them tick while at the decks and when away. 

With our label event only a few weeks away we are getting the hard facts from all the artists appearing at Prism London. Today we are introducing the one and only Mara LeFay. 

Welcome to Between 2 Speakers Mara. First up, tell us who you are and where are you from?

I’m Mara, I identify myself as a woman, originally from Romania, from the beautiful land of Transylvania. Currently living in Maidenhead.

Describe your music in 5 words or less.

Chameleonic. Production: Energetic, abstract

Who or what inspires you musically?

Machines and nature. Their coexistence. AI. Film and game composers. The music I grew up with in the 90s.

You can choose any one superhuman power. What is it? (Not including ‘the power to have all the powers’)

Witchcraft of the highest order. Bringing mythological creatures to life and controlling them. Stuff like that

Favourite thing to do away from music?

Spending time with my daughter, dancing, making music, drawing. Talking about what is life, the universe, which is a fascinating thing to do with a 5 year old.

Thank you Mara!

Mara LeFay are appearing at Prism London on 23rd March. Tickets and info available via Resident Advisor, Access All Areas and Event Brite.

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